Bioconjug Chem 2001 Nov-Dec;12(6):890-9
Enhanced biorecognition and internalization of HPMA copolymers containing multiple or multivalent carbohydrate side-chains by human hepatocarcinoma cells.
David A, Kopeckova P, Rubinstein A, Kopecek J.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Medicine, School of Pharmacy, P.O. Box 12065, Jerusalem, 91120, Israel.
N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (HPMA) copolymers containing pendant saccharide moieties (galactosamine, lactose, and triantennary galactose) were synthesized. The relationship between the content of saccharide moieties and three-dimensional arrangement of galactose residues and their biorecognition and internalization by human hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cells was investigated. The results obtained clearly indicated preferential binding of the trivalent galactose and the lactose-containing copolymers to these cells. The higher the saccharide moieties content in HPMA copolymers, the higher the levels of binding. The biorecognition of the glycosylated HPMA copolymers by HepG2 cells was inhibited by free lactose. The data on the internalization and subcellular trafficking of HPMA copolymer conjugates obtained by confocal fluorescence microscopy correlated well with the flow cytometric analysis of their biorecognition by target cells. Structural features of the glycosides responsible for the specific recognition of the HPMA copolymers have been identified. The results underline the potential of glycosylated HPMA copolymers for delivery of pharmaceutical agents to hepatocarcinoma cells.
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