Anatole A. Klyosov, Ph.D. D.Sc.
Chief Scientist
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board
Dr. Anatole A. Klyosov, Chief Scientist and member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Pro-Pharmaceutical, Inc, is a Fellow, World Academy of Art and Sciences (Washington and Stockholm) and recipient of several distinguished awards including Laureate of the National Prize in Science and Technology of Russia. He has 30 years academic expertise, as a biochemist, specializing in enzymes, cell receptors, carbohydrates, and biomedical sciences. Dr. Klyosov has published more than 250 peer review articles in scientific journals, authored a number of books on enzymes, carbohydrates, and biotechnology, and holds more than 20 patents. Previous to joining Pro-Pharmaceuticals he was Professor of Biochemistry at Harvard Medical School, the Center for Biochemical and Biophysical Sciences and Medicine (1987-1998), where he worked on angiogenin (enzyme involved in angiogenesis of cancer cells), glucocorticoid receptors, and biochemistry of alcohol abuse. He has held such positions as Professor of Biochemistry and Director of Carbohydrate Research Laboratory at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Russia (1982-1990) and Professor of Chemistry at Moscow State University (1980-1982). Dr. Klyosov has consulted for a number of organizations, including the World Bank, UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization), and Biofocus Foundation among others, in the area of biotechnology and biomedical sciences. He also serves as a reviewer of scientific publications in a number of journals, including: Biochemistry; Biotechnology and Bioengineering; Biotechnologica Acta; Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology; Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology; Enzyme and Microbial Technology; Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Dr. Klyosov earned his Ph.D. degree in Physical Chemistry from Moscow State University in 1972, and D.Sc. degree in Physical Chemistry and Biochemistry from Moscow State University in 1977. Dr. Klyosov brings broad experience in chemical and biochemical R&D as well as extensive skills in business development and organizational development to Pro-Pharmaceuticals Inc.
The following is a list of publications of Dr. Anatole A. Klyosov, selected from more than 250 published peer-review articles, review papers, patents, and books. For a complete list see
- Klyosov, A.A., Platt, D. Delivery of a Therapeutic Agent in a Formulation for Reduced Toxicity", Application for U.S. Patent, submitted March, 2001.
- Keung, W.-M., Klyosov, A.A., Vallee B.L. Daidzin Inhibits Mitochondrial Aldehyde Dehydrogenase and Suppresses Ethanol Intake of Syrian Golden Hamsters. PROC. NATL. ACAD. SCI., 94, 1675-1679, 1997.
- Hjelmqvist, L., Lundgren, R., Norin, A., Jornvall, H., Vallee, B., Klyosov, A., Keung, W.M. Class 2 Aldehyde Dehydrogenase. Characterization of the Hamster Enzyme, Sensitive to Daidzin and Conserved Within the Family of Multiple Forms. FEBS LETTERS, 416(1), 99-102, 1997.
- Klyosov, A.A., Rashkovetsky, L.G., Tahir, M.K., W.-M. Keung. Possible Role of Liver Cytosolic and Mitochondrial Aldehyde Dehydrogenases in Acetaldehyde Metabolism. BIOCHEMISTRY, 35, 4445-4456, 1996.
- Klyosov, A.A. Kinetics and Specificity of Human Liver Aldehyde Dehydrogenases Toward Aliphatic, Aromatic, and Fused Polycyclic Aldehydes. BIOCHEMISTRY, 35, 4457-4467, 1996.
Klyosov, A.A. Industrial Enzyme Engineering. 6-Volume Treatise (1995, Harvard Medical School).
Rashkovetsky, L.G., Maret, W., Klyosov, A.A. Human Liver Aldehyde Dehydrogenases: New Method of Purification of the Major Mitochondrial and Cytosolic Enzymes and Re-Evaluation of Their Kinetic Properties. BIOCHIM. BIOPHYS. ACTA, 1205, 301-307, 1994.
Bolobova, A.V., Zhukov, A.V., Klyosov, A.A. Lipids and Fatty Acids in Cellulosomes of Clostridium thermocellum. APPLIED MICROBIOL. BIOTECHNOL, 42, 128-133, 1994.
- Klyosov, A.A. Trends in Biochemistry and Enzymology of Cellulose Degradation. BIOCHEMISTRY, 29, 10577-10585, 1990.
Bolobova, A.V., Klyosov, A.A. Comparison of the Efficiency of the Microcrystalline Cellulose Hydrolysis with Bacterial and Fungal Cellulases. PRIKL. BIOKHIM. MICROBIOL., 26, 321-327, 1990.
Lapidus, A.L., Mochulskii, A.V., Podkovyrov, S.M., Lebedeva, M.I., Antipin, A.A., Izotova, L.S., Zagnitko, O.P., Komolova, G.S., Klyosov, A.A., Veiko, V.P., Mashko, S.V. Expression of the hAng Gene in Escherichia coli; Isolation and Characterization of Human Recombinant Ser-(-1) Angiogenin. BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE, 1, 597-604, 1990.
Sinitsyn, A.P., Mitkevich, O.V., Gusakov, A.V., Klyosov, A.A. Decrease in Reactivity and Change of Physicochemical Parameters of Cellulose in the Course of Enzymatic Hydrolysis. CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, 10, 1-14, 1989.
- Chernoglazov, V.M., Ermolova, O.V., Vozny, Y.V., Klyosov, A.A. A Method for Detection of Cellulases in Polyacrylamide Gels Using 5-Bromoindoxyl-beta-D- Cellobioside: High Sensitivity and Resolution. ANAL. BIOCHEM., 182, 250-253, 1989.
- Chernoglazov, V.M., Jafarova, A.N., Klyosov, A.A. Continuous Photometric Determination of Endo-1,4-Beta-D-Glucanase (Cellulase) Activity Using 4-Methylumbelliferyl-Beta-D-Cellobioside as a Substrate. ANAL. BIOCHEM., 179, 186-189, 1989.
- Vlasenko, E.Yu., Papkovskaya, N.Yu., Sinitsyn, A.P., Scherbukhin, V.D., Klyosov, A.A. Hydrolysis of Mannose-Containing Polysaccharides by Endo-1,4-beta-Glycanases. PRIKL. BIOKHIM. MIKROBIOL., 25, 604-613, 1989.
- Melnik, M.S., Rabinovich, M.L., Klyosov, A.A. A New Type of Clostridium thermocellum Endoglucanase Produced by the Recombinant Strain of E. coli: Purification and Separation of Multiple Forms. BIOKHIMIYA, 54, 284-291, 1989.
- Melnik, M.S., Kapkov, D.V., Mogutov, M.A., Rabinovich, M.L., Klyosov, A.A. A New Type of Clostridium thermocellum Endoglucanase Produced by the Recombinant Strain of E. coli: Some Properties and Identification in Donor Cells. BIOKHIMIYA, 54, 387-396, 1989.
- Klyosov, A.A. Enzyme Engineering at the Industrial Level. UNIDO Study, Separate Edition, 1989, 108 p.
- Klyosov, A.A. Cellulases of the Third Generation. In: "Bioprocess Engineering. The First Generation". Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester, England, 1989, p. 59-67.
- Klyosov, A.A. Which Problems of Modern Biochemistry and Enzymology Seem to be the Most Important and Interesting. Z. KHIM. OBS. im. D.I.Mendeleeva, 1989, No.1, p. 90-105.
- Klyosov, A.A. Angiogenin, a Protein Factor of Angiogenesis of Human Tumor Cells. USPEKHI SOVR. BIOL. (Advances of the Modern Biology), 196, 264-278, 1988.
- Klyosov, A.A. Angiogenin, a Protein Inducing a Blood Supply to Tumor Cells. In:"Science and Technology News", Ser. "Biotechnologia", No.1, VINITI PRESS, 1988, p.7-29.
- Klyosov, A.A. Cellulases of the Third Generation. In: BIOCHEMISTRY AND GENETICS OF CELLULOSE DEGRADATION. Academic Press, London, 87-99, 1988.
- Klyosov, A.A., Ermolova, O.V., Chernoglazov, V.M. A Thermostable Endo-1,4-beta- Glucanase from Myceliophthora thermophila. BIOTECHNOL. LETTERS, 10, 351-354, 1988.
Chernoglazov, V.M., Ermolova, O.V., Klyosov, A.A. Adsorption of High-Purity Endo-1,4-beta-Glucanases from Trichoderma reesei on Components of Lignocellulosic Materials: Cellulose, Lignin, and Xylan. ENZYME MICROB. TECHNOL., 10, 503-507, 1988.
Sinitsyn, A.P., Klyosov, A.A., Rabinovich, M.L., Gusakov, A.V., Morozov, A.M. Biotechnology of the Enzymatic Conversion of Cellulose.VINITI PRESS, Moscow,1988, 153 p.
- Skryabin, G.K., Golovlev, E.L., Klyosov, A.A., eds. Microbiology and Biochemistry of Degradation of Plant Materials, NAUKA, Moscow, 1988, 320 p.
- Klyosov, A.A., ed. Lectines in Studying Proteins and Carbohydrates. VINITI PRESS, Moscow, 1987, 288 p.
- Berezin, I.V., Klyosov, A.A., et al. Enzyme Engineering. VYSHAYA SHKOLA, Moscow, 1987, 143 p.
- Kovalev, G.V., Sinitsyn, A.P., Volf, E.G., Kalyazin, E.P., Bugaenko, L.T., Klyosov, A.A. Enzymatic Conversion of Irradiated Cellulosis Materials. BRITISH POLYMER J., 19, 63-66, 1987.
Gusakov, A.V., Sinitsyn, A.P., Klyosov, A.A. Factors Affecting the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose in Batch and Continuous Reactors: Computer Simulation and Experiment. BIOTECHNOL. BIOENG., 29, 906-910, 1987.
- Gusakov, A.V., Sinitsyn, A.P., Klyosov, A.A. A Theoretical Comparison of the Reactors for the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose. BIOTECHNOL. BIOENG., 29, 898-900, 1987.
- Klyosov, A.A. On the Three Unsolved Fundamental Problems of Enzymatic Production of Sugars from Plant Materials. BIOTECHNOLOGIA, 3, 549-552, 1987.
- Klyosov, A.A., Mitkevich, O.V., Sinitsyn, A.P. Role of the Activity and Adsorption of Cellulases in the Efficiency of the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Amorphous and Crystalline Cellulose. BIOCHEMISTRY, 25, 540-542, 1986.
Skryabin, G.K., Golovlev, E.L., Klyosov, A.A., eds. Bioconversion of Plant Materials, NAUKA, Moscow, 1986, 296 p.
Rabinovich, M.L., Klyosov, A.A., Melnick, M.S. The Titration of the Active Centres of Cellobiohydrolase from Trichoderma reesei. ANAL. BIOCHEM., 156, 489-494, 1986.
- Klyosov, A.A. Enzymatic Conversion of Cellulosic Materials to Sugar and Alcohol. The Technology and its Implications. APPL. BIOCHEM. BIOTECHNOL., 12, 249-300, 1986.
- Klyosov, A.A. Enzymatic Catalysis. Vol.2. Enzymatic Degradation of Polymers. MOSCOW UNIVERSITY PRESS, Moscow, 1984, 214 p.
- Klyosov, A.A. Industrial Processes Using Immobilized Enzymes. In:"Introduction to Applied Enzymology", MOSCOW UNIVERSITY PRESS, Moscow, 1982, p.353-379.
- Berezin, I.V., Kalunyanz, K.A., Rabinovich, M.L., Klyosov, A.A. et al. Apparatus for the Hydrolysis of Polysaccharide Materials. SU Patent No. 962310, Nov.27,1980/June 1, 1982.
Rabinovich, M.L., Klyosov, A.A., Berezin, I.V., Myagkih, I.V., Martianov, V.A. Purification of Cellulases. SU Patent No. 975796, March 31,1981/July 21,1982.
Berezin, I.V., Kalunyanz, K.A., Rabinovich, M.L., Klyosov, A.A. et al. Preparation of Sugars from Cellulose-Containing Plant Materials. SU Patent No. 949002. Nov.27,1980/July 14, 1981.
Rabinovich, M.L., Klyosov, A.A., Berezin, I.V. Pretreatment of Polysaccharide Material for a Subsequent Hydrolysis. SU Patent No. 948145. Dec.26,1980/Aug.25,1981.
Klyosov, A.A., Rabinovich, M.L. Enzymatic Conversion of Cellulose to Glucose: Present State of the Art and Potential. In:"Enzyme Engineering: Future Directions", PLENUM PRESS, New York, 1980, p. 83-165.
- Wingard, L/B., Berezin, I.V., Klyosov, A.A., eds. Enzyme Engineering - Future Directions, PLENUM PRESS, New York, 1980, 521 p.
- Klyosov, A.A., Berezin, I.V. Enzymatic Catalysis.Vol.1. Specificity of Enzyme Catalysis. MOSCOW UNIVERSITY PRESS, Moscow, 1980, 264 p.
- Klyosov, A.A., Gerasimas, V.B., Sinitsyn, A.P. Substrates Stabilization of Soluble and Immobilized Glucoamylase Against Heating. In: ENZYME ENGINEERING - FUTURE DIRECTIONS (L.B.Wingard, I.V.Berezin, A.A.Klyosov, eds), PLENUM PRESS, New York, 197-215, 1980.
- Wingard, L.B., Klyosov, A.A. Some Thoughts of the Future of Enzyme Engineering. In: ENZYME ENGINEERING - FUTURE DIRECTIONS (L.B.Wingard, I.V.Berezin, A.A.Klyosov, eds), PLENUM PRESS, New York, 499-506, 1980.
- Klyosov, A.A., Sinitsyn, A.P., Rabinovich, M.L. The Comparative Role of Exoglucosidase and Cellobiase in Glucose Formation from Cellulose. In: ENZYME ENGINEERING, v.5 (H.H.Weetall, G.P.Royer, eds), PLENUM PRESS, New York, 153-165, 1980.
- Berezin, I.V., Klyosov, A.A., Martinek, K. General Principles of Enzymatic Catalysis. In: "Chemistry Reviews (Soviet Scientific Reviews)", 1979, Section B, vol.1, 205-277.
- Klyosov, A.A., Gerasimas, V.B. The Thermostability of Glucoamylase Immobilized in Different Ways Has a Certain Limit. BIOCHIM.BIOPHYS.ACTA, 571, 162-165, 1979.
- Klyosov, A.A. Specificity of Enzyme Catalysis. In:"Advances in Bioorganic Catalysis", MOSCOW UNIVERSITY PRESS, Moscow, 1979, p.7-56.
- Berezin, I.V., Klyosov, A.A. The Practical Course of Chemical and Enzyme Kinetics. MOSCOW UNIVERSITY PRESS, Moscow, 1976, 326 p.
- Berezin, I.V., Klyosov, A.A., Rabinovich, M.L. Kinetics of Enzymatic Reactions in Heterogeneous Systems. I. The Kinetic Regularities for the Bacterial Cell Micrococcus lysodeikticus Degradation by Lysozyme. BIOORGAN. KHIMIYA, 2, 680-688, 1976.
- Rabinovich, M.L., Klyosov, A.A., Berezin, I.V. Kinetics of Enzymatic Reactions in Heterogeneous Systems. II. Bacteriolytic Action of Lysozyme on Micrococcus lysodeikticus Cells. BIOORGAN. KHIMIYA, 2, 689-699, 1976.
- Svedas, V.K., Klyosov, A.A., Nys, P.S., Savitskaya, E.M., Berezin, I.V. Studies on Penicillin Amidase from E. coli. Kinetics of the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of 7-Phenylacetamidodeacetoxycephalosporanic Acid. ANTIBIOTIKI, 21, 698-704, 1976
- Johansen, J.T., Klyosov, A.A., Vallee, B.L. Circular Dichroism - Inhibitor Titrations of Arsanilazotyrozine-248 Carboxypeptidase A. BIOCHEMISTRY, 15, 296-303, 1976.
Berezin, I.V., Klibanov, A.M., Klyosov, A.A., Martinek, K., Svedas, V.K. The Effect of Ultrasound as a New Method of Studying Conformational Transitions in Enzyme Active Sites. pH- and Temperature-Induced Conformational Transitions in the Active Center of Penicillin Amidase. FEBS LETTERS, 49, 325-328, 1975.
- Klyosov, A.A., Nguen Van Viet, Berezin, I.V. The Reactions of Chymotrypsin and Related Proteins with Ester Substrates in Non-Aqueous Solvents. EUR. J. BIOCHEM., 59, 3-7, 1975.